
The first page

With this post, I am starting this new blog. 

In February 2013, I started a participatory research project on my own with LGBQ high school students (now they are 11 in the group). Together with the students, we as a "group of researchers" are sharing our experiences on being LGBTQ in school, and creating shared knowledge on this issue. We have a secret Facebook group where we develop this knowledge together. It is a participatory ethnography (I will write about the methodology of the study later).

This blog originated from our positive experience when during Budapest Pride we made our research public in a workshop. It was nice to involve people in our thoughts and discussions, listening to their views and opinions, so we decided to open up our knowledge construction, enlarging the “audience” of our sharing, envolving people from anywhere to express their opinion, thoughts, comments, questions, etc. We welcome every contribution. The blog will be in Hungarian and in English contemporarily in order to address a larger group of people from all over the world. It would be nice to hear about the experiences of LGBTQ or ally students from other countries, as well. The blog posts will be written by myself (the leader of the study), but they will accept each of the posts and they will contribute to them, or actively write them (depending on the type of the post). The participants anonymity is assured, their privacy is protected.

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